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June 04, 2011


Ben Teoh

Hey Earl, sounds like a lot of #firstworldproblems there :)
[EM] Yeah, fair point./

Sorry to hear that the wifi wasn't great during the workshop, I was impressed that it handled the load over the main two days of #CU11.
[EM] Hell no, the conference was fine, should have made it clear that it was the in-room service that fell over on Friday/

I agree though on your last point, how often do we get frustrated at the small things?

It was really good meeting you at #CU11 and I trust you made some valuable connections here in Australia.
[EM] I did thanks, and it was a pleasure to meet the rest of the CU team, having only run into Simon in NZ.

It was great to have you over here.

All the best!

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