Seth is one of my favourite thinkers, although I don't read him often enough and I'm catching up today. This one rang a bell.
Seth's Blog: It's no wonder they don't trust us
The digital world, even the high end brands, has become a sleazy carnival, complete with hawkers, barkers and a bearded lady.
Its more than that, much more. I knew the economy was in the can nearly a decade ago when I walked into my local Coles supermarket in Sydney and say adverts for a TV magazine on the little plastic bar that you use to separate the orders on the checkout conveyor.
I knew, for absolute certain, at that moment, that business was in trouble. I'm sure some bright spark was rewarded for "capturing the checkout bar marketing space" but the fact that they had to do that meant to me that there were no places left for companies to try and squeeze out a profit and that they were scraping the barrel.
That was the day, pretty much, that I started planning my urban homestead because when a big supermarket chains needs the few cents they would get for each checkout bar advert, and the TV mags need to spend it to prop up their sales, we had reached the end of the growth phase of business development and the thing that was about to change was the whole system.