We have been treated by various panicked bureaucracies for the last 9 years to a panoply iof "security" actions that we are supposed to believe are keeping us safe from the terrorists.
so what do we make of this? Teens smuggle weapons on Australian Qantas, Jetstar flights.
Two boys have smuggled an arsenal of weapons and ammunition through two states in one of Australia's most serious breaches of airport security. The boys, aged 14 and 11, packed stolen pistols, knives and 3000 rounds of ammunition in their check-in luggage on a Qantas flight from Karratha to Perth on Monday night, the West Australian reports. They then boarded a Jetstar flight to Cairns where they were arrested on Tuesday morning, the paper said.
A 14 year old and an 11 year old, with an arsenal of stolen weapons flies clear axcross the country, pasisng through not one, but 4 security checks (personal and baggae, before they are caught.
so what do we make of this? Teens smuggle weapons on Australian Qantas, Jetstar flights.
Two boys have smuggled an arsenal of weapons and ammunition through two states in one of Australia's most serious breaches of airport security. The boys, aged 14 and 11, packed stolen pistols, knives and 3000 rounds of ammunition in their check-in luggage on a Qantas flight from Karratha to Perth on Monday night, the West Australian reports. They then boarded a Jetstar flight to Cairns where they were arrested on Tuesday morning, the paper said.
A 14 year old and an 11 year old, with an arsenal of stolen weapons flies clear axcross the country, pasisng through not one, but 4 security checks (personal and baggae, before they are caught.
- This is security theatre meant to keep the ignorant among us happy and to PO the rest of us because, like theatre, it isn't REAL.
- The systems don't work. When they are tested by adults or ignored by kids, they fail
- If anyone really wanted to circumvent these "controls" it would be child's play - literally.
- Therefore, nobody is trying to attack us, they achieved ALL their goals on 911, they pushed over a couple of dominoes (three if you count WT7) and left the rest to the ignroance and fevered imaginations of the pollies and the bureacrats.