Just had this link to Tod Maffin predicting the death of radio from the very au fait Mark Bradley. Great piece, and even more inflammatory than me, which says a lot. U.S. lawmaker Mike Ferguson has drafted;
an audio broadcast flag bill that would let the FCC force radio stations to provide “so-called “flag” technology be used to prevent content on HD Radios and satellite digital radios from being re-distributed.”
[...] Here’s the issue. If the signal is digital, this lets people control it more. But rather than doing cool, enabling things with it, rights holders are trying to extract more and more from less and less. One day, probably quite soon, one of these idiots are going to wake up and realize that nobody wants to have 30 “But it’s only $9.95 a month!” licence fees or subscription packages.
Frankly I hope they succeed, we wont pay for their crap when we can get free crap and they will go broke.
I have this theory that culture creates itself out of whatever bits and pieces it finds lying around freely available, you are either part of that or not, the culture that results really REALLY doesn’t care.
Those who want to withdraw their production from the meme pool from which culture is created, are not only entitled to do so, they should be encouraged do so and leave more room for the rest of us.
Update: There is something else that will kill off radio and it is people like the repellent Bill O'Reilly. Lately he has been running a petition to get news commentator Keith Olbermann replaced by his predecssor Phil Donohue. Mostly because Olbermann has the temerity to quote the frothing rubbish that O'Reilly spouits on his various media outlets.
There is, to put it mildly, bad blood. Including an online campaign by DailyKos regular to retaliate on O'Reilly's radio show. Today Stark got through and mentioned the now forbidden name of Keith Olbermann. Big deal, but what O'Reilly did next is a shinign example of why corporate media is in the can and sinking.
Listen to it here. Priceless, if he was my jock he would be out in the street so fast his shoes would still be under the desk when his butt hit the kerb. That he is paranoid and stupid is one thing, that Fox continues to employ the guy at all is much more important, and tells the real story of the failure of corporate media.