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August 28, 2003


Scott Allen

Sorry for the much-belated comment, but great post, Earl. I've been spending most of my time lately up to my ears with activity from the online networks like Ryze, Spoke, Ecademy, etc., that I haven't really spent much time exploring the blogosphere, particularly in the context of our book project.

But when I read Lee LeFever's case study about achieving #1 rankings on Google using a blog, right as I was lamenting the shortfall of traffic to our site, I realized I decided it was time to dive in.

So, we launched the Online Business Networking Blog last Saturday. Much to my amazement, Sunday -- notoriously our slowest day of the week for web traffic -- was one of our busiest days ever, and more than double our average daily number of unique visitors (excluding the spiders, etc.)!

Now certainly it didn't hurt that we already had at least some name recognition with some A & B list bloggers. But your points here are really well-taken, and I'll be referencing them on my blog momentarily!

Scott Allen
About.com Entrepreneurs Guide
Online Business Networking Blog

P.S. -- Do you by any chance know Ed Swanstrom? With your professional background, I thought you might.


You're not wrong. Good and solid tips you got here. You should have included commitment and patience.

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