This story from the New Scientist raises an interesting question that has been niggling me for a while. Right now our individual liberty is at risk because of the increasing amount of government surveillance, but what happens when cellphones with built in cameras, or cameras with built in cellphones, become common? How will that affect the way both citizens and governments act, and react, to each other? For a look at the technology and regulatory issues, click here, for a look at the social and political issues, stay tuned.
Check out "Smart Mobs"[1][2], by Howard Rheingold. Researched more than two years ago but he was/is right on the money. Scarey and fascinating. In the end, Howard still holds out hope for humanity.
In light of his success rate for predicting the future, I feel good about his conclusion. On the other hand, the battle with big media is only just beginning.
[1] Book:
[2] Companion Web site:
Posted by: Matthew A.Schneider | May 23, 2004 at 02:01 PM
Mnly suggests ( to participate in sousveillance ( using handhelds & wearables.
Posted by: Mnly | February 25, 2006 at 05:35 PM